Arogya Finance Medical Loans

Need Of The Hour To Follow Guidelines

With the decrease in the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in the country, the government of India has decided to ease the COVID-19 restrictions. The unlock is based on the positivity rate and occupancy of oxygen beds in each location, health experts warn that citizens should not take this lightly and need to take care of themselves and people around them to prevent the severity of the predicted 3rd wave.

Every individual should follow the rules and guidelines set by the government. Coming back to the routine life is the absolute need of the hour for the country’s economic reasons, but the risk of third wave still looms large.

It is unsafe for a large number of people to leave their homes without taking the necessary precautions. With the onset of monsoon season, it is critical that people move out only for essential work, wear masks, maintain social distance, practice hand hygiene, get vaccinated when eligible, and take the best care of themselves and their families are crucial measures to control the spread of the infection.


Things you should follow:

1)     Double mask: Double masking, with cloth and surgical masks, can prevent leakage of air and fit the contours of the face better

2)     Social distancing: Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

3)     Isolate and medicate: Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty in breathing, seek medical attention.


If you or your family member get infected and are unable to arrange funds upfront for the medical treatment, Arogya Finance is here to help you out financially. Our aim is to ease the financial burden of patients, for COVID-19 and other medical treatments. We are a one-stop financial solution for people in need whenever and wherever there is an unforeseen medical emergency.

Hospital Partners

For more details, visit us at and reach out to our regional Financial Counsellors. In case of any queries, call us at +91 9769205032 / 9769286254″. (*) T & C apply