“I was suffering from S.R.N.V.M (Subretinal neovascular membrane) at my right eye for a long time. I had duly consulted many doctors, but the effect was not at all good. After a few days, my condition got aggravated that I had to take ophthalmic injections from October to December 2020 and then again in February 2021. Even after spending a lot of money on my treatment, the condition did not improve at all. Finally, the doctor suggested me to go for Eylea. As I was sceptical about the cost, he suggested me to contact Arogya Finance.
Mr. Goutam Dey from Arogya Finance got in touch with me and advised me to go for instalment option. That seemed good to me, but still I was not very hopeful as I am over 65 years old. I went ahead with the decision and took the injection on 16 March 2021. Now I am feeling quite all right. Thank you doctor, thank you Eylea, and thank you, Arogya Finance for your kind help.” – S.N. Chatterjee (Borrower)
For more details on medical loans from Arogya Finance, visit us at www.arogyafinance.com and reach out to our regional Financial Counsellors. In case of any queries, call us at +91 9769205032 / 9769286254″. (*) T & C apply