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Sanjeevan for Perfect Eye Sight: Leading the Way in Advanced Eye Care in Partner with Arogya Finance!

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Our eyes are the windows to the world, allowing us to experience the beauty and wonder that surrounds us. With artificial intelligence and other advancements in science and medicine, Sanjeevan for Perfect Eyesight has inculcated a holistic treatment plan combining modern technology with holistic practices. Accelerated by a vision to make the world blindness free and retain vision naturally in individuals, Sanjeevan offers long-term benefits and improvements.

Situated in Chembur- Mumbai, the clinic has been prominent for 15 years providing diagnostic plans for (commonly termed “untreatable”) eye disorders such as Retinitis Pigmentosa, Lazy eye, Squint eye, Amblyopia and others.

The Story behind Sanjeevan for Perfect Eye Sight- A beacon of hope

Sanjeevan for Perfect Eyesight, established in 2004, is founded by Dr. K. K. Goyal and Dr. Suman Goyal, backed by 50 years of medical expertise in eye care research and treatment. This has led them to pioneer a non-invasive, non-surgical solution for advanced eye conditions, including a groundbreaking natural and effective diagnostic plan for colour vision deficiency.

Sanjeevan’s global network seeks help for various untreatable eye disorders, preventing age-related, lifestyle, environmental, and professional vision issues.

Comprehensive Treatment Options

With Sanjeevan’s advanced technology, treatments, and therapies, patients with severe eye disorders and impairments can find effective ways to manage their symptoms, improve their vision and control the effects of their impairments.

Integrated Treatments at Sanjeevan Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is one of the most effective forms of therapy for naturally improving eyesight. It involves light adaptation techniques, including light and dark adaptation exercises, which enhance vision. These therapies help improve distance, near, and peripheral vision, promoting balance in the visual system for optimal performance.


Acupuncture, a traditional Chinese medical practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific body points to alleviate pain and treat various conditions. Scientific studies have shown its effectiveness in addressing inflammation, pain, depression, and more. Acupuncture is also beneficial for eye conditions such as Macular Degeneration, Retinitis Pigmentosa, and Glaucoma. It can improve visual acuity, reduce light sensitivity, and alleviate symptoms like eye floaters, blurred vision, and dry eyes.


Electro-acupuncture involves applying a mild electric current to acupuncture needles, enhancing their therapeutic effect. This technique shows promise in improving vision for conditions like colour vision deficiency. Research, including studies by Dr. Rosenfarb at Johns Hopkins University, indicates

increased positive outcomes when electro-acupuncture is integrated into treatment protocols. This non-invasive method stimulates nerve pathways, potentially improving vision in low-light environments and for those with severe visual impairments from Retinal Dystrophies.


Micro-acupuncture, developed in Denmark in 1984, focuses on 48 specific points in the hands and feet. It is known for treating various health conditions, particularly pain and eye diseases like Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, and Diabetic Retinopathy.

Micro-Current Stimulation

Micro-current stimulation (MCS) aims to assist individuals with retinal disease by nourishing and promoting healing at the back of the eyes, potentially aiding cell regeneration. Given the complexity of retinal tissue, consistent treatment over a year is recommended, though some benefits may be observed sooner.

Hydrogen Therapy

Hydrogen therapy is highly effective, utilizing ionic Hydrogen ions to oxidize the immune system and improve visual functions. Hydrogen (H2) is unique in its ability to penetrate the blood-brain and blood-ocular barriers, making it a potent antioxidant for eye conditions. Its small size allows it to pass through tissue, facilitating its therapeutic action swiftly.

Natural Nutritional Supplements

Natural nutritional supplements hold potential benefits for eye health. Ingredients like Goji berry, Aloe Vera Juice, and Eye Restore Max are rich in antioxidants, which may improve visual function. Antioxidants play a crucial role in combating oxidative stress, particularly relevant for colour blindness. While research is ongoing, incorporating these natural supplements into the diet offers a non-invasive and potentially supportive approach for managing various eye disorders..

Specialized Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa

The treatment for RP at Sanjeevan includes nutritional therapy, low-vision aids, and adaptive therapies. Vision therapy programs empower individuals with Retinitis Pigmentosa to maximize their remaining vision. The program also offers genetic counselling, providing patients and their families with a deeper understanding of the condition’s inheritance patterns and potential future treatments.

In their every treatment, at the heart of it is compassion. The staff understands the emotional journey that often accompanies vision problems and strives to provide not only medical care but also emotional support. The facility is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, ensuring the highest standards of quality and effectiveness in patient care. The world of vision care is evolving, and Sanjeevan for Perfect Eyesight continues to be a beacon of hope for those who have lost it or are

at risk of losing it, promising a future that looks clearer, more vibrant, and filled with the potential for better vision for all.